Tuesday, May 22, 2007

April flowers bring May snow showers!


Shirley said...

Shiver me timbers--and shiver me body. I cannot believe there is snow at this time of year, but I guess that is good ole Idihoo.

Looking forward to seeing you!


donna said...

WOW snow in April :)

Evan said...

Actually, snow in May. May 22nd.

Clan of the Derek said...

Glad you are enjoying your "nice" spring weather -

Can't wait to see you later this summer - kids are so excited.


Rachel said...

Holy cow! I've been bummed out because it's been cold here, but you have ogt us all beat!

chchoo said...

Oh, how I miss the land of my birth... but not the snow in the middle of May. Unless it means skiing one or two last runs up at Kelly. Did they re-open it? See you next week!