We left for Bemidji Thursday after work. Lacey had enough overtime to get out earlier at 3 pm. We drove through the night, swapping drivers a couple times, until we arrived in Duluth at 6:40 am to visit Lacey's brother and his expecting family.
Evan took a 3 hour nap at Zak's house while Lacey played with her nephew Beau. We went to lunch a Subway with everyone and we headed for Bemidji and the wedding.
We spent a total of 43 hours in Bemidji before we left for home Sunday morning at 10 am. A thousand miles and 17 hours later, we were home.

Some of the other activities we've been up to include karaoke, recording music, ward activities at the lake, roller derby, helping out with mutual, and Lacey's family visiting.

Lacey has been working at Stillwater National Bank since May. She has been working in "Document Imaging" which is a glorified mail room. She opens mail, sorts it, prepares it to be scanned, and then indexes everything. After working there for 3 1/2 months, she has moved to customer accounting where she deals with high dollar, short-term CDs. She also deals with taxes and inactive accounts. Her official title is "Operation CIF Analyst". She really loves her new job. She has a cubicle and no one sits over her. She says that it is her first real grownup job. We are proud of her.
School is about to start again for Evan. He has been getting ready for it. We have decieded to stay at Oklahoma State University for a PhD. It means that we will be here until at least 2016, so if you want to come and visit us, you have plenty of time. Mom and Dad Bagley will be visiting us next weekend and we look forward to their visit.
Sometime soon I will give you a tour of our new (as of May) apartment.