Monday, May 6, 2013

Spring Cleaning

Skipping over anything important that happened the last couple months...

We are in spring cleaning mode. We've been in our house a little over 1 year and it's time to get real. Real about what we moved in and haven't touched in that year and real about how stuff junks up over just one year.


Spring cleaning is also happening in preparation for my parent's visit. They have made it a goal to come every May - and I am super excited about it! We have some landscaping projects to do and my mom is going to help me organize/ clean the garage. We might post pics of the projects...

One project that I've been meaning to do and never got around to doing - just got done.


The Happy Couple:

 Our Wonderful Parents:

The Smith Family:

The Whole Group:

Let Them Eat Cake:

It's a Pig Roast:

Yes, that is a canoe that we are dishing out food out of! Every summer my family has a pig roast. When Evan and I were planning our wedding date we decided that since a party is already happening, we'll just make it a wedding party. 

So, after 4 1/2 years, I finally scanned in and posted the Minnesota wedding pictures - thanks spring cleaning!

Love Always,

Evan & Lacey