We moved! We now live in Edmond Oklahoma.
We are in a ground level (finally!) apartment for a year as we do some house-hunting!
Evan successfully defended his thesis and earned his Master's degree in Geology. Go Evan!!
Evan started worked at Chesapeake Energy as an Associate Geologist. He already has some great friends working there and is excited to apply the the knowledge gained from 24 years of schooling (from day one to now)!
I had my last full-time day of work on December 1st, but will be working part-time through January. So, I will be using my time to focus on a strict diet and workout schedule. Evan and I have a long way to go until we're healthy, but with your love and support we know we can do it. And if any of you even so much as mutter mint chocolate chip ice cream to me, I will round-house kick you to the face!
We have new callings at church. We are the Valiant 9 co-teachers and I'm going to, additionally, be working with achievement day girls (any fun activity ideas?).
As always, we love and miss you guys like crazy! We are looking forward to having schedules that give us plenty of time for vacations - hopefully we'll be seeing you sometime in the spring :)
For now, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!