We'll start things off on a more spiritual note. As is tradition in church, we'll play a game:) Eye-spy? This is of Evan practicing as his group sang for the weekly devotional before we headed off to Utah for the big production.
We were so lucky to have my brother Zak, his wife Crystal, and baby Beau join us for the adventure. They brought Crystal's parents out so they could experience General Conference in Utah for the first time. This picture is of us in front of the Provo temple. It's where both groups of parents were sealed for time and all eternity.
Here's a neat picture of the guys just getting off the train after Evan sang in the Priesthood session. They all enjoyed the experience so much!
Continuing out little Eye-spy game, can you tell who this is?
It's our wonderful Prophet! We got tickets for the Sunday morning session also, thank you so much Rachel! It's such a sweet experience to be in the conference center during General Conference.
I thought this was a neat picture, you can see how many people were there. Each terrace was packed full!
Here's us at the temple where Evan's parents were sealed. Afterwards we walked around Temple Square for a little bit and then headed on our way home... a short but very, very sweet weekend.
We made it home but were there only long enough to repack and head down to SLC again to get on a plane to San Diego!
Evan had to hold going to the bathroom until we made it to Salt Lake. He couldn't hold it long enough to get to the airport though:) He had to find a secret spot in the middle of the huge parking lot to relieve himself!
We got to San Diego, checked out our hostel, and walked directly to Petco park to watch a ball game. I will be the first to let you know that it was not the most riveting adventure, but it now I can say I've seen a Major League game...
We didn't get to go inside the temple but we spent a really beautiful evening with our group walking around and taking fun pictures outside of it. It is absolutely as beautiful as everyone said it was going to be!
Our group broke up one day and played tourists. Some went to the zoo, some to sea world, our group went and toured the old missions, drove down to the border, and visited the beach one last time. It was a lot of fun!
I said we drove to the border, this was as close as we got:) We were freaking out that we would have to go through border patrol without passports and that we would get in trouble... that was until we saw our saving grace :)
Our next stop in California was to stay with my old roommate in L.A. It's really too bad that she lives there because we had to visit Disneyland while we were there!
I was so happy to spend so much time with my knight and shining armor. We had an awesome trip!
I didn't think I meant that kind of trip... At the end of the day it was an overload and we headed back and crashed for the night.
Our first adventure back was to relive memories from the mission, Evan wanted to make deep fried Twinkies!
Our friends are all at points in their lives where they are moving forward and away from Rexburg. We spent time with them before we all headed out. You know most of the couples: the Dominoes, the Becks, the Forts, and, of course, the Bagleys:
Here we are for our last ladies night at the Dominoes.
We had a BBQ for the Fort's before they left. Here are the boys being goofy :)
Last and most recently, Evan took me camping at Crater's of the Moon. This is the only picture we have from that trip as our camera was not charged :(
Thank you for spending your whole afternoon reading our long update. We hope you enjoyed the pictures as much as we enjoyed making the memories! We love and miss all of you. For family members, we can't wait to see you on the 4th of July!
The one and only time I ate at Pickle's Place, I barfed. Great update! Great pics!
Thanks for sharing your times with us. Great pictures and so much fun. Love-MOM B
Hey girl! I mean home Rexburg! Caome see us! p.s love the pictures!
Thanks for updating! Fun pictures of your latest adventures. I don't know if I am daring enough to have a deep fried twinkie.
Oke, you guys need to make those deep fried twinkies when we see you next! :)
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