Sunday, April 10, 2011

Racing to the Catfish

The rest of the story:

We had a great turn out for SNB's 5K for the United Way; 30+ showed up in support of this awesome event.

I was so grateful for the warm, sunny morning! It was pretty windy, but that didn't stop us from doing our thing. The best time was 22.51! That individual got to the finish line, slowed to a walk, and then took off again. He went around twice! I was highly impressed.

I didn't participate in the actual
event, instead I was stationed at the start and finish line while Evan and his friend Nate took care of the mid-way point. I was happy to hear that many runners at the lake that morning appreciated the cups of water they set out. An impromptu service project, you could say :)

The saying goes that you should have balance in all things. This definitely applies to our evening, after the race. A catfish eating competition!

There is this great dive between here and OKC that's famous for it's Catfish challenge. It's even been on Man v Food! So, we got together a big group of friends to say "bring it on Adam Richman!"

His record was 29 fillets. We had 6 guys that all believed they could beat that measly record... Things seemed so easy with an empty stomach :)

More catfish please! We ended up with 3 big competitors: Big Nate Mitchell won with 30 fillets, Carson got to 27, and your very own Evan Bagley got to 25 1/2! We had a blast :)

Nate and Carson reached stardom and made it on the white board - for now... But I think Nate said it best, "I'm not sure whether to be proud or embarrassed"! I know it'll be a fond memory for a long time. Please check out the video on Facebook, it truly embodies the moment.

Hope you are all well and enjoying this spring season!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

first off, I am so loving this more regular posting! And holy catfish! I'm just impressed the the repeated taste of FISH didn't stop these guys! I have always wanted to be in a food competition that didn't involve marshmallows (girl scouts). Maybe, cheeseburgers :)