Sunday, May 8, 2011

Evan's Thesis, etc...

Evan is working on his master's thesis. By working, I mean physically preparing sections of a core for analysis. I wanted to learn a little bit more about what he did, so I went straight to the source - off to the Hazardous Reaction Laboratory (HRL):

My turn? :)

Did I mention we also have a celebrity in our midst?

Recently Evan received a grant to help fund his thesis. Can you find his name among the large list of recipients? We are so grateful to be a part of such a giving community and can't wait until we get to pay it forward to a well deserving student. Thank you so much Herbert and Shirley Davis!

We also had a ward picnic this weekend, it was incredible! It was in Perry, OK at CCC Lake - which was equally as nasty as the other clay based lakes around here :) But we made it a good time.

Evan gave guided pointing tours for everyone in search of sun-bathing turtles.

Recently we had a youth temple trip. We had 3 newbies, 2 were our newly converted YW.

As intense as working with young women can be, the rewards are untouchable! I can't begin to express the emotions that come from seeing the smile on a girl's face as she holds a new set of scriptures and be told they're hers to pour over, or the smile she has after coming up out of the waters of baptism. It's totally worth every effort.

Also, I'd be remiss if I didn't mention the gratitude I have for the mothers and other women that have given me and Evan life. Thank you for your long-suffering and cheers of encouragement!

And that's just the first week of May! I hope many more good things are to come :) Hope all is well in your neck of the woods!

Peace out - E & LB


chchoo said...

Great pics! We miss you guys a lot. Congrats on the grant!

Dewi said...

That's the way to go Evan! Glad you guys are happy! Hope we get to see you before we move this Summer. :)