Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Best news - EVER!

Seeking - one top notch geologist. Status - found!

Evan was offered an Associate Geologist position with Chesapeake Energy, of which he quickly accepted.

Breaking news! I've got a first hand account of the whole thing:

"We stopped at a rest stop in Kansas on our way to Minnesota. I checked my e-mail while waiting for Lacey when I noticed a reply to my 'Thank You' e-mail I had sent to one of the interviewers. I opened the letter and it was much larger than I expected. After reading three or four sentences that expressed their appreciation for my visit, I read:

'I am pleased to make the following contingent offer of full time employment as an Associate Geologist in our Oklahoma City office.'

Lacey then arrived and I handed her the phone immediately. She read and read with a shocked look on her face. We did it! I got the job we wanted with the company we wanted in the area we wanted.

I will start work on or before December 5th. All I have to do is finish my thesis and I get to start. This is a good motivator to finish earlier so I can start earlier."

Within the next 9 months we'll buy a house in northern Oklahoma City in or near the city of Edmond. We will move and begin the next phase in our lives.

Holy crap and hooray!!


ME said...

We're so happy for you guys! You guys are awesome.

Rachel said...

Sad it's not in Utah, but whatevs.
Love you guys and sooooo happy for you both. Hugs, kisses, nibbles, fist bumps and high fives, woot woot and booyah!